The Charity Christmas Puzzle, set by Gordon Gray to raise money for charity, since 1991.
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Christmas Puzzle 2024

T _ _ / G _ _ _ _ / B _ _ _ _ _ _ / B _ _ _ o _ _

This year marks the 34th annual Christmas Puzzle I have set to raise money for charities. The Puzzle receives entries from Australia, New Zealand, Cyprus, Malta and Ireland plus a team entry from France and Sweden for whom the Puzzle is in their second language. The Puzzle should appeal to people who enjoy solving quality newspaper crossword puzzles and this one is designed to help you finish - the Puzzle has an underlying theme so that, when things start to get a bit tough, you should get more information to help you. Over the years the Puzzle has raised almost £135,000 for various good causes, including £8,000 last year.

Lupus UK, Parkinsons, National Deaf Children's Society, The Joy Foundation and St Mary's Church, Eaton Bray where I am the Reader.

If you would like to be emailed the next puzzle when it becomes available, please Register email.

-- Gordon Gray, November 2024

Navigation around the Christmas Puzzle website

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-- All entries for this year's puzzle should be returned by Sunday 2 February --