The Charity Christmas Puzzle, set by Gordon Gray to raise money for charity, since 1991.
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Christmas Puzzle 2024

Christmas PuzzleThis year's annual Charity Christmas Puzzle has now been posted, and is available to download.

This, the 34th annual Puzzle that Gordon Gray has set, has a theme designed to help completion and will appeal to people who enjoy doing Crossword puzzles, such as in the Daily Telegraph (though it is not a Crossword puzzle). Puzzlers have plenty of time to find the answers and Puzzles should be returned, with donation, by 5 February 2025.

Gordon has posted Puzzles to those on distribution list, so these should be received in the next few days. Anyone else who would like a copy of the Puzzle can access it from the web at Alternatively puzzles can be collected from St Mary's Eaton Bray.

All the money you donate, except for the prize-money, will go to charity.

Any corrections will be posted to the blog and to the corrections page.

December 8, 2024 | Permalink | Comment

Reader Comments

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December 9, 2024, Keith Anderson Simmonds says:

Good morning Gordon, thanks for a lovely puzzle which I'm enjoying. I've got the title, but am having a problem sorting out the grid. I don't quite follow the preamble: "Reading top to bottom 6, 7, 7 words, or parts of words, relating to the theme are in alphabetical order. In one column follow the instruction." I'm pretty sure about N0. 1 in the grid for which I have: [text hidden]. Any clarification would be appreciated. Many thanks in advance!

December 9, 2024, Heather says:

Loving the puzzle, cracked the first 2 columns! Can I check 19b. Should it have 3 letters after ICC?

December 9, 2024, Keith Anderson Simmonds says:

Hi Gordon, I have a nine-letter word for 19B verifiable in Chambers. Do you expect an eight-letter variant for this one?

December 10, 2024, Bill Brakes says:

Thanks for the puzzle Gordon, the sign that Christmas is really upon us! For Keith (first comment) - 'I don't quite follow' ... that's the point! Keep thinking and keep solving the clues and the penny will eventually drop.

December 10, 2024, Gordon Gray says:

To Puzzlers who received the Puzzle by post:
We found an error in 2c after I had finished stuffing envelopes It should be clued as _ _ _ ANG _
In addition a small number of other typos were fixed for the Download (and emailed) version.

December 10, 2024, Gordon Gray says:

To Heather and Keith.
My apologies. in addressing your queries I was looking at the wrong file. You are right - 19b should be clued
_ _ _ ICC _ _ _. Please see Corrections page for more details.

December 15, 2024, Helen Donkin says:

I am just getting started! The postal version of 2A has 2dashes after the N whereas the internet has one. I think the internet version is correct.

December 17, 2024, Gordon Gray says:

Helen - I believe you are correct - well spotted

December 17, 2024, Steve Baines says:

Hi Gordon, another splendid puzzle, thank you. All fitting into place. 5C, should that be [text hidden], rather than [text hidden]? Or does it need another dash? Merry Xmas!

December 21, 2024, Hilary Coulson says:

Hi Gordon, brilliant puzzle as usual! Following up on Steve's query, if the answer is plural shouldn't there be an extra dash?

December 24, 2024, David Bradman says:

Hi Gordon, Thanks again for a wonderful puzzle. Re the comments from Steve and Hilary above on 5c, I note that the posted version (which goes to my mother) has seven dashes after the "IEU". The downloadable version (which I use) has six. I believe it should be seven, as highlighted by Steve and Hilary. Merry Christmas everyone!

December 26, 2024, Gordon says:

David, Steve, Hilary You are all correct. The clue for 5c should be _ _ _ _ IEU _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i.e IEU followed by 7 dashes. My best wishes for the New Year.

January 19, 2025, Elizabeth Knight says:

I have the paper copy of the puzzle and was mystified that for 7a there was - - - alc- - I was sure it should have been 9 letters, not 8. I have just downloaded the online version and 7a does indeed have 9 letters as required but I'v never seen a correction on this website. Hasn't anyone else noticed a problem?

January 19, 2025, Elizabeth Knight says:

I'm still working on it and now I have found a misprint in 27c too. My paper copy had three dashes before SIO (11 letters in all). This seems odd but again, a check with the download edition has the more reasonable 4 dashes before the letters, ie 12 letters in all. Again I haven't seen this appear on the blog. Did I just get a dud copy of the puzzle?

January 20, 2025, Gordon says:

Elizabeth - Two correct observations that again only affect postal copies

January 20, 2025, Christmas Puzzler says:

Hello again Gordon, please would you check your spam for a further email from me regarding transposed results pages. Many thanks!

January 28, 2025, Gordon says:

At this point in the process I tend to receive letters from people who worry that their entry will arrive late and they will miss the draw to identify the Winners. I try to give plenty of leeway so I generally aim to include in the draw every entry received by the 2nd Sunday in February

February 14, 2025, Gordon says:

A draw was held on 13 February witnessed by St Mary’s Church Warden and the Treasurer The three people who scored full marks and will receive a cheque £50 were: Leslie Dommett, Wendy Howden and Colin & Jan Vout. Five additional names, were selected from the 300 who submitted an entry; each of these will receive £10. These were Elizabeth Arnfield the Bassett Family, Alison Brennan, Hilary Coulson and Carol Duxbury. Congratulations to these winners and my thanks to everyone who has supported my Puzzle this year as a result of which I will be able to share £8.000 between the five charities

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